2009 |
2003 |
2002 |
2001 |
2000 |
1999 |
1998 |
- Yasukevich Yu.V., Afraimovich E.L., Palamartchouk K.S., Tatarinov P.V. Testing of IRI-2001 and IRI-2007 ionosphere model using data of dual-frequency satellite altimeters Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 2009, V. 52, N 5-6, p. 341-353.
- Perevalova N.P., Polekh N.M. Исследование отклика верхней атмосферы на циклоны по данным ионозондов в Восточно-Сибирском и Дальневосточном регионах. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 2009, том 22, № 09, с.882-889.
- E.L. Afraimovich, V.V. Demyanov, N.S. Gavrilyuk, A.B. Ishin, and G.Ya. Smolkov. Malfunction of Satellite Navigation Systems GPS and GLONASS Caused by Powerful Radio Emission of the Sun During Flares on December 6 and 13, 2006, and October 28, 2003. Cosmic Research, 2009, V.47, N2, 126-137.
- E.L. Afraimovich, I.K. Edemskiy, S.V. Voeykov, Yu.V. Yasyukevich, I.V. Zhivetiev. Travelling wave packets generated at high altitude by solar terminator. Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, 2009, V.22, N8, 753-759.
- Demyanov V.V., Afraimovich E.L., Aleshechkin A.M. Supporting measures of GPS performance under unfavourable gelio-geophysical conditions. Radioelectronics and communications systems, 2009, V.52, N6, 281-294.
- E.L. Afraimovich, S.V. Voyeikov, I.K. Edemskiy, Yu.V. Yasukevich. The Magnetohydrodynamic Nature of an Ionospheric Wave Packet Excited by the Solar Terminator. Doklady Earth Sciences, 2009, V.429, N8, 1354–1358.
- Perevalova N.P., Afraimovich E.L., Voeykov S.V., Zhivetiev I.V. Parameters of large-scale TEC disturbances during the strong magnetic storm on 29 October 2003. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2009. Т. 114. № 3. DOI: 10.1029/2008JA013137
- Astafyeva, E., K. Heki, V. Kiryushkin, E. Afraimovich, and S. Shalimov, Two-mode long-distance propagation of coseismic ionosphere disturbances, J. Geophys. Res., 2009, 114, A10307, doi:10.1029/2008JA013853.
- E.L. Afraimovich, I.K. Edemskiy, A.S. Leonovich, L.A. Leonovich, S.V. Voeykov, Yu.V. Yasyukevich. The MHD nature of night-time MSTIDs excited by the solar terminator, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L15106, doi:10.1029/2009GL039803.36.
- E. Astafyeva. Effects of strong IMF Bz southward events on the equatorial and mid-latitude ionosphere. Ann. Geophys., 2009, V.27, 1175–1187.
- E.L. Afraimovich, I.K. Edemskiy, S. V. Voeykov, Yu.V. Yasyukevich, I.V. Zhivetiev. The first GPS-TEC imaging of the space structure of MS wave packets excited by the solar terminator. Annales Geophysicae, 2009, V. 27, 1521-1525.
- Elvira I. Astafyeva. Dayside ionospheric uplift during strong geomagnetic storms as detected by the CHAMP, SAC-C, TOPEX and Jason-1 satellites. Advances in Space Research 43 (2009) 1749–1756.
- E.L. Afraimovich, E.I. Astafieva, V.V. Demyanov, I.F. Gamayunov. Mid-Latitude Amplitude Scintillation of GPS Signals and GPS Performance Slips. Advances in Space Research, 2009, V.43, 964-972.
- E.L. Afraimovich, Yu.V. Yasukevich. New field of application of the IRI modeling – Determination of ionosphere transfer characteristic for radio astronomical signals. Advances in Space Research, 2009, 43, 1652–1659. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2008.02.003.
- E.L. Afraimovich, I.K. Edemskiy, S.V. Voeykov, Yu.V. Yasukevich, I.V. Zhivetiev. Spatio-temporal structure of the wave packets generated by the solar terminator. Advances in Space Research, 2009, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2009.05.017.
- E.L. Afraimovich, V.V. Demyanov, G.Ya. Smolkov. THE TOTAL FAILURES OF GPS FUNCTIONING CAUSED BY THE POWERFUL SOLAR RADIO BURST ON DECEMBER 13, 2006. Earth, Planets and Space, 2009, V.61, 637-641.
- Elvira Astafyeva and Kosuke Heki. Dependence of waveform of near-field coseismic ionospheric disturbances on focal mechanisms. Earth, Planets, Space. 2009, V.61, 939-943.
- Yu.V. Yasyukevich, E.L. Afraimovich, I.K. Edemskiy, K.S. Palamartchouk. Cross testing of data of GPS satellite altimeters and IRI-2001, IRI-2007 modeling. ISTP preprint N 1-09, 2009, 36 с. (in Russian)
- Yu.V. Yasyukevich, E.L. Afraimovich, Palamartchouk K.S., Tatarinov P.V. Using satellite altimeter TOPEX/POSEIDON and JASON-1 data for testing of ionosphere model above seasurface. Electronic journal “Investigated in Russia”, 056, p. 686-695, 2009, http://zhurnal.ape.relarn.ru/articles/2009/056.pdf. (In Russian)
- Yasukevich Yu.V., Afraimovich E.L., Testing of IRI-2001 and IRI-2007 ionosphere model using data of dual-frequency satellite altimeters Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1.
- E.L. Afraimovich, S.V. Voyeikov, I.K. Edemskiy, Yu.V. Yasukevich. The MHD nature of ionospheric wave packets excited by the solar terminator. 2009, arXiv:0904.3016v2 [physics.ao-ph].
- Perevalova N.P., Polekh N.M. An investigation of the upper atmosphere response to cyclones using ionosonde data in Eastern Siberia and the Far East // Proc. SPIE. –2009. –V.7296. –P.72960J.
- Yu.V. Yasyukevich, E.L. Afraimovich, I.K. Edemskiy. Comparison of data of regional north-American maps US-TEC and GIM with ionosphere modeling (IRI-2001, IRI-2007). IV All-Russian scientific school and conference «Radio physical technique for remote sensing. 30 June - 3 July 2009. Murom, Russia. Book of report. 2009, p. 131-135. http://www.mivlgu.ru/conf/murom2009. (in Russian).
- A.B. Ishin, S.V. Voeykov, N.P. Perevalova, E.L. Afraimovich, A.V. Zalizovsky, A.A. Sopin. Variation of ionosphere parameters during powerful hurricane next to Atlantic USA coast in 2005. IV All-Russian scientific school and conference «Radio physical technique for remote sensing. 30 June - 3 July 2009. Murom, Russia. Book of report. 2009, p. 30-34. http://www.mivlgu.ru/conf/murom2009. (in Russian).
- E.L. Afraimovich, I.K. Edemskiy, S.V. Voeykov, V.A. Leonovich, I.V. Zhivetiev. Dynamical characteristics of wave packets genterated by solar terminator (on the Japanese GPS/GEONET network data). IV All-Russian scientific school and conference «Radio physical technique for remote sensing. 30 June - 3 July 2009. Murom, Russia. Book of report. 2009, p. 44-48. http://www.mivlgu.ru/conf/murom2009. (in Russian).
- A.B. Ishin, S.V. Voeykov, N.P. Perevalova, A.V. Zalizovsky, A.A. Sopin, Ionospheric parameters’ variations registered during powerful hurricanes near the USA Atlantic coast in 2005. Up-to-date problems of earth remote sensing from space: physical basis, techniques and methods of near space environment, probable hazards and dangerous objects. V. 6, N 2, 2009, p. 274-279. (In Russian)
- N.P. Perevalova, N.M. Polekh, S.V. Voeykov. Investigation of the relation of ionospheric disturbances in Eastern Siberia and the Far East with the cyclonic activity. Up-to-date problems of earth remote sensing from space: physical basis, techniques and methods of near space environment, probable hazards and dangerous objects. V. 6, N 2, 2009, p. 287-295. (In Russian)
- E.L. Afraimovich, S.V. Voeykov, I.K. Edemskiy, Yu.V. Yasyukevich. Magnetohydrodynamic nature of medium-scale ionospheric wave packets generated by solar terminator. Proceedings of Baikal Young Scientists International School “Helio and geophysical researches”, 2009, p. 87-90. (In Russian)
- A.B. Ishin, E.L. Afraimovich, M.V. Tinin, Yu.V. Yasyukevich. Experimental study of GPS radio signal scattering at ionospheric inhomogeneities elongated along the magnetic field. Proceedings of Baikal Young Scientists International School “Helio and geophysical researches”, 2009, p. 87-90. (In Russian)
- A.B. Ishin, N.P. Perevalova, A.V. Zalizovsky, A.A. Sopin. The ionospheric effect probably caused by hurricanes occurring near the east coast of USA in 2005. Proceedings of Baikal Young Scientists International School “Helio and geophysical researches”, 2009, p. 91-94. (In Russian)
- Yu.V. Yasyukevich, E.L. Afraimovich. Cross testing of data from satellite altimeters, GPS, and results of ionospheric modeling using international reference ionosphere model Proceedings of Baikal Young Scientists International School “Helio and geophysical researches”, 2009, p. 225-228. (In Russian)
- Perevalova N.P., Ishin A.B., Voeykov S.V., Polyakova A.S. Studying wave plasma irregularities by remote sensing. The VII Opened All-Russia conference “Current Aspects of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space, Moscow, IKI, RAS, 16-20 November 2009. Book of abstract, 324.
- Polyakova N.P., Voeykov S.V., Zalizovskiy A.V. Morphological features of daily TEC variations under quiet conditions. The VII Opened All-Russia conference “Current Aspects of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space, Moscow, IKI, RAS, 16-20 November 2009. Book of abstract, 325.
- Afraimovich E.L., Astafyeva E.I., Ishin A.B., Yasyukevich Yu.V. Midlatitude field-angled ionosphere plasma irregularities and their impacts on GPS and very long base interferometers. The VII Opened All-Russia conference “Current Aspects of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space, Moscow, IKI, RAS, 16-20 November 2009. Book of abstract, 311.
- Afraimovich E.L., Astafyeva E.I., Ishin A.B., Yasyukevich Yu.V. GPS signal scattering on ionosphere plasma irregularities in the magnetic normal and zenith regions. The VII Opened All-Russia conference “Current Aspects of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space, Moscow, IKI, RAS, 16-20 November 2009. Book of abstract, 312.
- Afraimovich E.L., Voeykov S.V., Edemskiy I.K. Ionosphere effects of total solar eclipse 22 June 2009 on the data of Japanese GPS network (GEONET). The VII Opened All-Russia conference “Current Aspects of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space, Moscow, IKI, RAS, 16-20 November 2009. Book of abstract, 313.
- Vergasova G.V., Polekh N.M., Kurkin V.I., Perevalova N.P. Chernigovskaya M.A., Poddel’sky I.N., Poddel’sky. Studing long-term temperature variations in the stratosphere-low thermosphere and electron density in the F2-region. Atmosphere and Ocean optics. Atmosphere physics. Proceeding of XVI international symposium. 12-15 October 2009 г. 2009. p. 551-552.
- Edward Afraimovich. The spatio-temporal characteristics of the wave structure excited by the solar terminator as deduced from TEC measurements at the global GPS network. Geophysical Research Abstracts, V. 11, EGU2009-62-2, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009.
- E.L. Afraimovich, I.K. Edemsky, S.V. Voeykov, Y.V. Yasukevich, and I.V. Zhivetiev. The dynamics and spectral characteristics of the GPS TEC wave packets excited by the solar terminator. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-1233, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009.
- E.L. Afraimovich, Ding Feng, V.V. Kiryushkin, E.I. Astafyeva, and Shuanggen Jin. Near-?eld TEC response to the main shock of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-1266, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009.
- E.Astafyeva and K.Heki. Seismo-ionosphere relation: TEC over Japan during seismically active period in May - August 2008, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-2976-1, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009.
- E.Astafyeva and P. Tatarinov. On the principal factors that determine ionospheric superstorms effects, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-8335-2, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009.
- E.Astafyeva and K.Heki. Directivity of propagation and the waveform of TEC perturbation associated with large earthquake of 5 September 2004, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-9057, 2009, EGU General Assembly 2009.
- Astafyeva E., Heki K. Geonet-tec over Japan during geomagnetically quiet and seismically active period // IAGA 2009. 11th Scientific Assembly. (Sopron, 24-29 August, 2009): Abstract Book. – Sopron (Hungary), 2009. –204-WED-P1716-0298. (стендовый)
- Afraimovich E.L., Astafyeva E.I., Voeykov S.V., Edemsky I.K., Yasukevich Y.V. Ionosphere wave packets excited by the solar terminator: AGW or MHD origin? // IAGA 2009. 11th Scientific Assembly. (Sopron, 24-29 August, 2009): Abstract Book. – Sopron (Hungary), 2009. –204-WED-P1701-004. (стендовый)
- Afraimovich E.L., Astafyeva E.I., Demyanov V.V., Ishin A.B., Smolkov G.Ya. Space weather and ionospheric effects on GNSS at middle latitudies: Scayyering by ionospheric irregularities and solar radio burst interference // The IXth Russian-Chinese Workshop on Space Weather. June 22-27, 2009. Irkutsk, Russia: Programm. Abstr. –Irkutsk, Russia, 2009. –P.15-16. (устный)
- Afraimovich E.L., Demyanov V.V., Ishin A.B., Smolkov G.Ya. Total failures of GPS-GLONASS functioning caused by the powerful solar radio emission // The IXth Russian-Chinese Workshop on Space Weather. June 22-27, 2009. Irkutsk, Russia: Programm. Abstr. –Irkutsk, Russia, 2009. –P.29. (стендовый)
- Afraimovich E.L., Edemsky I.K., Voeykov S.V., Yasukevich Yu.V., Zhivetiev I.V. MHD nature of ionospheric wave packets excited by solar terminator // The IXth Russian-Chinese Workshop on Space Weather. June 22-27, 2009. Irkutsk, Russia: Programm. Abstr. –Irkutsk, Russia, 2009. –P.25. (устный)
- Afraimovich E.L., Edemsky I.K., Voeykov S.V., Yasukevich Yu.V., Zhivetiev I.V. Dynamics and spectral characteristics of GPS TEC wave packets excited by the solar terminator // The IXth Russian-Chinese Workshop on Space Weather. June 22-27, 2009. Irkutsk, Russia: Programm. Abstr. –Irkutsk, Russia, 2009. –P.29. (стендовый)
- Afraimovich E.L., Smolkov G.Ya., Yasukevich Yu.V. Use pf GPS-Glonas-Galileo data and IRI modeling for ionospheric calibration of radio telescopes and radio interferometers // The IXth Russian-Chinese Workshop on Space Weather. June 22-27, 2009. Irkutsk, Russia: Programm. Abstr. –Irkutsk, Russia, 2009. –P.15. (устный)
- Wang X., Shi J.K., Wang G.J., Zherebtsov G.A., Pirog O.M., Romanova E.B., Voeykov S.V., Stepanov A.E. Variability of ionospheric F0F2 and HMF2 in the low latitude (Hainan) // The IXth Russian-Chinese Workshop on Space Weather. June 22-27, 2009. Irkutsk, Russia: Programm. Abstr. –Irkutsk, Russia, 2009. –P.25. (устный)
- Afraimovich E.L., Edemsky I.K., Voeykov S.V., Yasukevich Yu.V. Ionosphere wave packets excited by the solar terminator: AGW or MHD origin // “PIERS-2009 in Moscow. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium”. Moscow, Russia, August 18-21, 2009. Proceedings. –Moscow, Russia, 2009. –P.227-231.
- Beletsky A.B., Afraimovich E.L., Gress O.A., Lesyuta O.S., Mikhalev A.V.,
Shalin A.Y. Wave disturbances in the Earth's atmosphere during the
passage of Leonid's meteor stream on November 16-18, 2001. Ninth
Joint International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics/Atmospheric
Physics. Part II: Laser Sensing and Atmospheric Physics, Proceedings of
SPIE, 2003, V. 5027, N4, 216-223.
- Afraimovich E.L., V.V. Demyanov, T.N. Kondakova. Degradation of
performance of the navigation GPS system in geomagnetically disturbed
conditions. GPS Solutions, 2003, V.7, N 2, pp. 109-119.
- Afraimovich E.L., S.V. Voyeikov, O.S. Lesyuta, N.P. Perevalova and
Nagorsky P.M. The traveling ionospheric disturbance conceivably initiated
by a high altitude explosion during the testing of the US anti-missile
system on July 15, 2001, Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2003,
v.3, Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, Irkutsk, 73-79.
- Afraimovich E.L., Lesyuta O.S., Perevalova N.P., Voyeikov S.V. Traveling
wave packets of total electron content disturbances as deduced from global
GPS network data, Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2003, v.3,
Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, Irkutsk, 61-62.
- Astafieva E.I., E. L. Afraimovich. Morphology and dynamics of isolated
ionospheric irregularities as deduced from global network GPS data.
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2003, v.3, Institute of
Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, Irkutsk, 50-60.
- Leonovich L.A., Afraimovich E.L., Portnyagina O.G. Dynamics of
TEC large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances during strong
magnetic storms, Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2003, v.3,
Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, Irkutsk, 80-85.
- Afraimovich E.L., V.V. Demjanov, T.N. Kondakova. Degradation of
performance of the navigation GPS system in geomagnetically disturbed
conditions, Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2003, v.3,
Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, Irkutsk, 86-94.
- Afraimovich E.L., V.A. Karachenschev, A.A. Neudakin. Testing of the
transionospheric channel of radio wave propagation using data from
the global network of multichannel two-frequency GPS/GLONASS receivers.
Izv.Vuzov, Radio Electronics, 2003, N4, 51-60.
- Afraimovich E.L., O.S. Lesyuta and I.I. Ushakov. Relation of the
auroral oval dynamics, the intensity of ionospheric irregularities and
phase measurement slips in the GPS system. Proceedings of IX
International Symposium on radar, navigation and communication,
Voronezh, 2003, v.3, 1671-1679.
- Afraimovich E.L., V.V. Demyanov and T.N. Kondakova. An investigation
of the performance of two-frequency navigation GPS receivers during
geomagnetic storms. Proceedings of IX International Symposium on
radar, navigation and communication, Voronezh, 2003, v.3, 1691-1699.
- Afraimovich E.L. and I.I. Ushakov. The slip statistic of range code
measurements in the navigation GPS system during geomagnetic
disturbances. Proceedings of IX International Symposium on radar,
navigation and communication, Voronezh, 2003, v.3, 1680-1690.
- Afraimovich E.L., and O.S. Lesyuta. The instantaneous mid-latitude
ionosphere response to the magnetic field change. Cosmic Research,
2003, v.41, N2, 120-128.
- Afraimovich E.L., Perevalova N.P., Voyeikov S.V. Traveling wave
packets of total electron content disturbances as deduced from global
GPS network data. J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys., 2003, V.65, N 11-13? p. 1245-1262.
- Afraimovich E.L., O.S. Lesyuta, and I.I. Ushakov.
Geomagnetic disturbances and operation of the GPS Navigaton system.
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2002, V.42, N2, 208-215.
- Afraimovich E. L., O. I. Berngardt, O. S. Lesyuta, Yu. V. Lipko,
of International Symposium on radar, navigation and communication,
Voronezh, 2002, V.3, 1931-1940.
- Afraimovich E. L., V. A. Karachenschev. Range, Doppler frequency and radio
wave angle-of-arrival measurement errors for satellite-based radio
engineering systems caused by the Earth's ionosphere (as deduced using
data from the global GPS network). Proceedings of International
Symposium on radar, navigation and communication, Voronezh,
2002, V.2, p.1405-1416.
- Astafieva E.I., E.L. Afraimovich and V.V. Kiryushkin. Ionospheric response
to the first launching of the Athena-1 rocket from the Kodiak space-launch
complex on Alaska. Proceedings of International Symposium on radar,
navigation and communication, Voronezh, 2002, V.2, 1396-1404.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, A.V. Plotnikov. Shock-acoustic
waves generated during rocket launchings and earthquakes.Cosmic
Research, 2002, V.40, N3, 241-254.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, Ya.F. Ashkaliev, V.M. Aushev,
A.B. Beletsky, V.V. Vodyannikov, L.A. Leonovich, O.S. Lesyuta,
A.V.Mikhalev and A.F.Yakovets. Simultaneous radiophysical and optical
measurements of the ionospheric response during the large magetic storm
of April 6, 2000. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy.
2002, V.42, N.3, 366-375.
- Afraimovich E.L., A.T. Altynsev, V.V. Grechnev and L.A. Leonovich.
The response of the ionosphere to faint and bright solar flares
as deduced from global GPS network data. Annals of Geophysics,
2002, V.45, N.1, 31-40.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, L.A. Leonovich, O.S. Lesyuta
and I. I. Ushakov. GPS detection of the instantaneous response of
the global to strong magnetic storms with sudden commencement.
Annals of Geophysics, 2002, V.45, N.1, 41-53.
- Afraimovich E.L., O.S. Lesyuta, I.I. Ushakov and S.V. Voyeikov.
Geomagnetic storms and the occurrence of phase slips in the reception
of GPS signals. Annals of Geophysics, 2002, V.45, N.1, 55-71.
- Potapov A.S., T.N. Polyushkina, E.L. Afraimovich, Y.V. Lipko.
Transequatorial propagation of the Pc1 emission on 23 October 1997.
J. Geophys. Res., 2002, V.107, No.A7, 10.1029/2001JA000225.
- Afraimovich E.L., V.V. Kiryushkin and N.P. Perevalova. Determination of the
characteristics of ionospheric perturbations in the near-field of an earthquake
epicenter. J. of Communications Technology and Electronics, 2002,
V.47, N7, 739-747.
- Afraimovich E.L., V.V. Chernukhov, V.V. Kiryushkin. Method of
detecting the ionospheric disturbance and determining its source
location. Patent of Russian Federation. N 2189051 от 10.09.2002.
- Afraimovich E.L., V.V. Chernukhov, V.V. Kiryushkin. Method of
detecting and measuring the phase velocity and arrival direction
of the ionospheric disturbance. Patent of Russian Federation.
N 2189052 от 10.09.2002.
- Afraimovich E.L., Karachenschev V.A. Testing of the
transionospheric radiochannel using data from the
global GPS network. LANL e-print archive.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov and O.S. Lesyuta. Effects of the
August 11, 1999 total solar eclipse as deduced from total electron
content measurements at the GPS network. J. Atm. Solar-Terr.
Phys., 2002, V. 64, N18, 1933-1941.
- Afraimovich E.L., Ashkaliev Ya. F., Aushev V. M., Beletsky A. B.,
Vodyannikov V. V., Leonovich L. A., Lesyuta O. S., Mikhalev A. V.
and Yakovets A. F. Radio and optical observations of large-scale
traveling ionospheric disturbances during a strong geomagnetic storm
of 6-8 April 2000. J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys., 2002,
V. 64, N18, 1943-1955.
- Afraimovich E.L., E. A. Kosogorov, L. A. Leonovich, and O. M. Pirog.
Global pattern of large-scale ionospheric distubances during the magnetic
storm of September, 25, 1998 as Inferred from GPS Network data.
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2002,
V.42, N.4, 467-473.
- Afraimovich E.L., V.V. Demyanov, T.N. Kondakova. Degradation of GPS
performance in geomagnetically disturbed conditions. LANL e-print
- Afraimovich E.L., Perevalova N.P., Voyeikov S.V. Traveling wave
packets of total electron content disturbances as deduced from global
GPS network data. LANL e-print archive.
- Afraimovich E.L., Lesyuta O. S., Lipko Yu.V., Perevalova N. P.,
Voyeikov S.V. The morphology of total electron content pulsation in the
- Afraimovich E.L., Vodyannikov V.V., Voyeikov S.V., Perevalova N.P.,
and Yakovets A.F. Dynamic characteristics of traveling wave packets
of total electron content disturbances. Izv. Vuzov. Radio Physics, 2002, V.46, N10, 809-827.
- Afraimovich E.L. and E.I. Astafieva. Isolated ionospheric disturbances
as deduced from global GPS network. LANL e-print archive.
- Leonovich L. A., E.L.. Afraimovich,, E.B. Romanova, A.V. Taschilin.
Estimating the contribution from different ionospheric regions to the
TEC response to the solar flares using data from the international GPS
network. Annales Geophysicae, 2002, V.20, 1935-1941.
- Afraimovich E.L. Degradation of signals and operation failures of
radio engineering satellite systems during geospace disturbances
accompanied by abrupt changes in the geomagnetic field. LANL e-print
- Afraimovich E.L., N.P. Perevalova, A.V. Plotnikov. Registration of
ionospheric responses to shock acoustic waves generated by carrier rocket
launches. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2002, V.42, N6, 755-762.
- Afraimovich E.L., B.O. Vugmeister, Yu.V. Lipko. Parameters of Small- and
Medium-Scale ionospheric Irregularities in the High-Latitude Ionosphere
from the Noril'sk Observations. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy,
2001, V.41 , N1, 124-131.
- Afraimovich E.L., N.P. Perevalova, A.V. Plotnikov and A.M. Uralov. The
shock-acoustic waves generated by the earthquakes, Annales
Geophysicae, 2001, V.19, N4, 395-409.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, A.V. Plotnikov, A.M. Uralov.
Parameters of shock-acoustic waves generated during earthquakes.
Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 2001, N6, 452-463.
- Afraimovich E.L., Ya.F. Ashkaliev, V.M. Aushev, A.B. Beletsky, L.A.
Leonovich, O.S.Lesyuta, A. V. Mikhalev, V. V. Vodyannikov, A. F.
Yakovets. Radio and optical observations of large-scale traveling
ionospheric disturbances during a strong geomagnetic storm of 6-8
April 2000. LANL e-print archive.
- Afraimovich E.L., A.T. Altyntsev, E.A. Kosogorov, N.S. Larina, and L.A.
Leonovich. Detection of the Ionospheric Response of the Solar Flares
based on the GPS Global net of data. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy,
2001, V.41, N2, 202-207.
- Afraimovich E. L., E.A. Kosogorov, and O.S. Lesyuta. Effects of the August
11, 1999 total Solar eclipse as deduced from total electron content
measurements at the GPS network. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy,
2001, V.41, N4, 474-481.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, O.S. Lesyuta, I.I. Ushakov, and A.F.
Yakovets. Geomagnetic control of the spectrum of traveling ionospheric
disturbances based on data from a global GPS network. Annales
Geophysicae, 2001, V.19, N7, 723-731.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, L.A. Leonovich, and O.M. Pirog.
A global structure of large scale disturbances during the September 25,
1998 as deduced from GPS data. Issledovanija po geomagnetismu,
aeronomy i fizike Solnza, 2001, V. 112, 142-156.
- Afraimovich E.L., A.T. Altyntsev, E.A. Kosogorov, N.S. Larina, and L.A.
Leonovich. Ionospheric effects of the solar flares of September 23, 1998 and
July 29, 1999 as deduced from global GPS network data. J.Atm. Solar-Terr.
Phys, 2001, V.63, N17, 1841-1849.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, and O.S. Lesyuta. Ionospheric effects
of the August 11, 1999 total Solar eclipse as deduced from european GPS network
data. Advances of Space Research, 2001, V.27, N6-7, 1351-1354.
- Afraimovich E.L., A.T.Altyntsev, V.V. Grechnev, L.A. Leonovich.
Ionospheric effects of the solar flare of july 29, 1999 as deduced
from global GPS network data. Advances of Space Research,
2001, V.27, N6-7, 1333-1338.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, L.A. Leonovich, O.S. Lesyuta, and I.I.
Ushakov. Novel technology for detecting atmospheric disturbances using a
global GPS system. Instantaneous response of the ionosphere to a sudden
commencement of the strong magnetic storm of april 6, 2000. Advances
of Space Research, 2001, V.27, N6-7, 1345-1350.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, N.P. Perevalova, and A.V. Plotnikov.
The parameters of shock acoustic waves generated during rocket launches.
Advances of Space Research, 2001, V.27, N6-7, 1339-1343.
- Afraimovich E.L., O.I. Berngardt, N.A. Zolotukhina, B.G. Shpinev.
Correlation of Ps6 pulsation of the geomagnetic field, variations
in the total electron content, and the backscatter echo power during
the large magnetic storm of September 24-25, 1998. Geomagnetism and
Aeronomy, 2001, V.41, N5, 569-577.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, N.P. Perevalova, and A.V. Plotnikov.
The use of GPS-arrays in detecting shock-acoustic waves generated during
rocket launchings. J.Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys., 2001, V.63,
N18, 1941-1957.
- Afraimovich E. L., V.V.Chernukhov, and V.V. Kiryushkin. Spatial-temporal
characteristics of the ionospheric disturbances induced by shock-acoustic
waves due to rocket launching. J. of Communications Technology and
Electronics, 2001, V.46, N11, 1199-1206.
- Afraimovich E.L., O.S. Lesyuta, and I.I. Ushakov. The spectrum of
traveling ionospheric disturbances as deduced from global GPS network
data. Izv. Vuzov. Radio Physics, 2001, V.XLIV, N10, 828-839.
- Leonovich L.A., A.T. Altynsev, E. L. Afraimovich, and V.V. Grechnev.
Ionospheric effects of the solar flares as deduced from global GPS
network data. LANL e-print archive, 2001,
- Afraimovich E.L., and O. S. Lesyuta. Instantaneous global ionospheric
response to a sudden commencement of the strong magnetic storms.
Proceedings of International Beacon Satellite Symposium,
June 4-6, 2001, Boston College, Institute for Scientific Research,
Chestnut Hill, MA, USA, 2001, 413-417.
- Afraimovich E.L., O.S. Lesyuta, and S.V. Voeykov. GPS phase slips
on L1-L2 and L1 frequencies during geomagnetic disturbances.
Proceedings of International Beacon Satellite Symposium,
June 4-6, 2001, Boston College, Institute for Scientific Research,
Chestnut Hill, MA, USA, 2001, 191-195.
- Afraimovich E.L., E. A. Kosogorov, N. P. Perevalova, and
A.V. Plotnikov. Comparison of TEC response of the shock-acoustic
waves generated during rocket launchings, by earthquakes and
explosions. Proceedings of International Beacon Satellite
Symposium, June 4-6, 2001, Boston College, Institute for
Scientific Research, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA, 2001, 373-377.
- Afraimovich E.L., O.I. Berngardt, O. S. Lesyuta, A.P. Potekhin
and B.G. Shpynev. A Case Study of The Mid-Latitude GPS Performance
at Nighttime During The Magnetic Storm of July 15, 2000. Proceedings
of International Beacon Satellite Symposium, June 4-6, 2001,
Boston College, Institute for Scientific Research, Chestnut Hill,
MA, USA, 2001, 408-412.
- Afraimovich E.L., V.V. Chernukhov, and V.V. Demyanov. The updated
ionospheric delay model to improve the performance of GPS single-
frequency receivers. Radio Science, 2000, V.35, N1,
- Afraimovich E.L., Y.V. Lipko, B.O. Vugmeister. Determining dynamic
parameters of different-scale ionospheric irregularities over northern
Siberia. J.Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys, 2000, V.62, N2, 133-140.
- Afraimovich E.L., K.S. Palamartchouk, N.P. Perevalova, V.V. Chernukhov,
A.V. Lukhnev, and V.T. Zalutsky. Ionospheric effects of the solar
eclipse of March 9, 1997, as deduced from the GPS-radio
interferometer at Irkutsk. Advances of Space Research,
2000, V.26, N6, 997-1000.
- Afraimovich E.L., K.S. Palamartchouk, and N.P. Perevalova. Statistical
angle-of-arrival and doppler method for GPS interferometry of TIDs.
Advances of Space Research, 2000, V.26, N6, 1001-1004.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, L.A. Leonovich, K.S. Palamarchouk,
N.P. Perevalova, and O.M. Pirog. Determining parameters of large-scale
traveling ionospheric disturbances of auroral origin using GPS-arrays.
J.Atm. Terr. Phys., 2000, V.62, N7, 553-565.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, L.A. Leonovich, K.S. Palamarchouk,
N.P. Perevalova, and O.M. Pirog. Observation of large-scale traveling
ionospheric disturbances of auroral origin by global GPS networks.
Earth, Planets, and Space, 2000, V.52, N10, 669-673.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, L.A. Leonovich. The use of the
international GPS network as the global detector (GLOBDET)
simultaneously observing sudden ionospheric disturbances.
Earth, Planets, and Space, 2000, V.52, N11,
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, K.S. Palamarchouk, N.P. Perevalova,
and A.V. Plotnikov. The use of GPS arrays in detecting the ionospheric
response during rocket launchings. Earth, Planets, and Space,
2000, V.52, N11, 1061-1066.
- Afraimovich E.L., The GPS global detection of the ionospheric response
to solar flares. Radio science, 2000, V.35, N6, 1417-1424.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, N.P. Perevalova, A.V. Plotnikov. The
use of GPS-arrays in detecting shock-acoustic waves generated during
rocket launchings. LANL e-print archive.
- Afraimovich E.L., N.P. Perevalova, A.V. Plotnikov, A.M. Uralov. The
shock-acoustic waves generated by the earthquakes.
LANL e-print archive.
- Afraimovich E.L., A.T. Altyntsev, E.A. Kosogorov, N.S. Larina, L.A.
Leonovich. Ionospheric effects of the solar flares of September 23,
1998 and July 29, 1999 as deduced from global GPS network data.
LANL e-print archive.
- Afraimovich E.L., The GPS global detection of the ionospheric response
to solar flares. LANL e-print archive.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, O.S. Lesyuta. Effects of the August 11,
1999 total solar eclipse as deduced from total electron content measurements
at the GPS network. LANL e-print archive.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, L.A. Leonovich, O.S. Lesyuta, I.I.
Ushakov. Instantaneous response of the ionosphere to a sudden
commencement of the strong magnetic storm of April 6, 2000.
LANL e-print archive.
- Afraimovich E.L., O.S. Lesyuta., I.I. Ushakov. Magnetospheric
disturbances, and the GPS operation.
LANL e-print archive.
- Afraimovich E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, O.S. Lesyuta, A.F. Yakovets, and I.I.
Ushakov. Geomagnetic control of the spectrum of traveling ionospheric
disturbances based on data from a global GPS network.
LANL e-print archive.
- Afraimovich E.L., V.A. Kobzar, and K. S. Palamartchouk. Determining the
velocity of the interference pattern by analyzing three mutually
orthogonal projections of the radio signal field vector. Part II.
experiment in the HF range. Izv. Vuzov. Radio Physics,
1999, V.XLII, N1, 60-72.
- Afraimovich E.L., O.N. Boitman, E.I. Zhovty, A.D. Kalikhman, and
T.G. Pirog. Dynamics and anisotropy of traveling ionospheric
disturbances as deduced from transionospheric sounding data. Radio
Science, 1999, V.34, N2, 477-487.
- Afraimovich E.L., V.V. Chernukhov, V.A. Kobzar, and K.S. Palamartchouk.
Determining parameters of the polarization ellipse of the multimode
Radio Signal. Izv. Vuzov. Radio Physics, 1999, V.XLII,
N4, 324-332.
- Afraimovich E.L., V.A. Kobzar, and K.S. Palamartchouk. Determining the
drift velocity of ionospheric irregularities by analyzing three mutually
orthogonal projections of the HF radio signal field vector. J.Atm.
Terr. Phys., 1999, V.61, N…, 619-628.
- Afraimovich E.L., V.V. Chernukhov, V.A. Kobzar, and K.S. Palamartchouk.
Determining parameters of the polarization and Angles of Arrival of the
HF Radio Signal Using Three Mutually Orthogonal Antennas. Radio
Science, 1999, V.34, N5, 1247-1255.
- Afraimovich E.L., K.S. Palamartchouk. A spectral-polarization method for analyzing the radio signal interference pattern. Izv. Vuzov. Radio Physics, 1998, V.XLI, N6, 723-734.
- Afraimovich E.L., K.S. Palamartchouk. Determining the velocity of the interference pattern by analyzing three mutually orthogonal projections of the radio signal field vector. Part I - numerical simulation. J.Atm. Terr. Phys. 1998, V.60, N1, 115-120.
- Afraimovich E.L., K.S. Palamartchouk, N.P. Perevalova, V.V. Chernukhov, A.V. Lukhnev, and V.T. Zalutsky, Ionospheric effects of the solar eclipse of March 9, 1997, as deduced from the GPS data. Geophys. Res. Letters, 1998, V.25, N4, 465-468.
- Afraimovich E.L., K.S. Palamartchouk. Round-the-clock measurements of absorption and motions in the lower ionosphere at spaced-antenna reception of signals from LF-broadcasting stations. Proceedings of Session G5 at the XXVth URSI General Assembly, Lille '96, Session G5. Computer Aided Processing Of Ionograms And Ionosonde Records. Editor: P. J. Wilkinson. Report UAG-105, March 1998, 97-102.
- Afraimovich E.L. Statistical method for determining characteristics of the dynamics of the radio interference pattern. Proceedings of Session G5 at the XXVth URSI General Assembly, Lille '96, Session G5 Computer Aided Processing Of Ionograms And Ionosonde Records. Editor: P. J. Wilkinson. Report UAG-105, March 1998, 103-108.
- Afraimovich E.L., K.S. Palamartchouk, and N.P. Perevalova. GPS radio interferometry of travelling ionospheric disturbances. J.Atm. Terr. Phys., 1998, V.60, N12, 1205-1223.
- Afraimovich E.L., K.S. Palamartchouk, N.P. Perevalova, V.V. Chernukhov, A.V. Lukhnev, and V.T. Zalutsky, Ionospheric effects of the solar eclipse of March 9, 1997, as deduced from the GPS data. IRI News, 1998, V.5, N3, 14.
- Afraimovich E.L., K.S. Palamartchouk, N.P. Perevalova, V.V. Chernukhov, A.V. Lukhnev, and V.T. Zalutsky, Ionospheric effects of the solar eclipse of March 9, 1997, as deduced from the GPS data. 32nd Scientific Assembly of COSPAR, 12-19 July 1998, NAGOYA, Japan, Abstracts, 144.
- Afraimovich E.L., K.S. Palamartchouk, and N.P. Perevalova. GPS radio interferometry of travelling ionospheric disturbances. 32nd Scientific Assembly of COSPAR, 12-19 July 1998, NAGOYA, Japan, Abstracts, 145.
- Afraimovich E.L., Vugmeister B.O., Kalikhman A.D. Comparison of the thermospheric wind dynamics using transionospheric and vertical-incidence radio sounding data. Advances in Space Research, 1996, V.18(3), (3)121-(3)125.
- Afraimovich E.L., and K.S. Palamartchouk. Round-the-clock measurements of absorption and motions in the lower atmosphere at spaced-antenna reception of signals from LF-broadcasting stations. Izv. Vuzov. Radio Physics, 1997, V.XL, N7, 836-844.
- Afraimovich E.L., K.S. Palamartchouk, and N. P. Perevalova. GPS radio interferometry of travelling ionospheric disturbances. Preprint ISTP, 1997, N 4-97, 61p.
- Afraimovich E.L., O.N. Boitman, E.I. Zhovty, A.D. Kalikhman, and T.G.Pirog. Dynamics of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances as deduced from transionospheric sounding data. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 1997, T.37, N4, 456-462.
- Afraimovich E.L., O.N. Boitman, E.I. Zhovty, A.D. Kalikhman, and T.G.Pirog. Dynamics and anisotropy of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances as deduced from transionospheric sounding data. Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., 1997, V.32, N3-4, 301-308.
- Afraimovich E.L., K.S. Palamartchouk, N.P. Perevalova, and V.V. Chernukhov, A.V.Lukhnev, and V.T.Zalutsky. Ionospheric effects of the solar eclipse of March 9, 1997, as deduced from data from the GPS-radio interferometer at Irkutsk. Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., 1997, V.32, N3-4, 309-319.
- Afraimovich E.L. Statistical angle-of-arrival and doppler method (SADM) for determining characteristics of the dynamics of the transionospheric radio signal interference pattern. Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., 1997, V.32, N3-4, 461-468.
- Afraimovich E.L., K.S. Palamartchouk, N.P. Perevalova. GPS direct and inverse radiointerferometry - new methods of investigating Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances. Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., 1997, V.32, N3-4, 469-479.